Wednesday, December 30, 2009

January Warmer and Scent of the Month

The Warmer of the Month for January is called "Hugs and Kisses", perfect for celebrating Valentines Day right around the corner. The Scent of the Month is "Berry Blush".
These products are offered at a 10% discount and are sure to go fast!

We had a team meeting this Monday and it was so fun to meet other Scentsy Consultants, some who are now Directors and others who were just starting out like myself. I'm looking forward to learning and growing my Scentsy business!

Monday, December 28, 2009

A few tidbits . . .

Scentsy is happy to announce their new line up of wamers in their "Campus Collection". We are adding 12 new colleges- 6 in January and 6 in February!
Click on the picture of the collegiate warmers in my sidebar to see the January lineup!

I am continuing to be surprised at how easy Scentsy is to sell. Whether I am hanging out with my family or running into old friends, everyone is excited to see my Scentsy products!

This weekend I received my "Scentsy Pay Card" in the mail. This is a new system for Scentsy, where they will put my earned commission directly onto a Visa Debit Card.

Tonight I am excited to go to my first Scentsy team meeting. It will be a great experience, I'm sure. There are so many neat ladies in my team and I am excited to learn from them.

Scentsy is also offering double 1/2 off rewards for our hostesses this month. That means if you host a party at your home, or take a basket party for the week, and sell at least $150 in product, you'll get 10% in free product and two items 1/2 off!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Order Up!

I am so glad that Scentsy has come through with their promise of getting my orders back before Christmas. I can't hardly believe that my last Basket Order already came today too! I thought it might be hard to handle so many different orders coming in, yet I was able to get it all separated and ready to go in the midst of making supper again! So easy. I'm looking forward to Christmas! I get to share Scentsy with my extended family!
The above graphic is "How Scentsy Works" in a cute lil drawing.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Moving along and having fun!

So, now I'm a little over half way to being promoted to the next level: a certified consultant. I haven't had to do much, mostly just let people know that I'm selling Scentsy. It's a great product, so it sells itself. For my most recent Basket Party, all I had to do was have lunch with my good friend who I hadn't seen in way too long anyways, and give her the stuff. She did all the selling and ended up with $63 worth of products for herself for only $24, thanks to her hostess rewards! I put the order into my computer as soon as I got it back from her (a week later). Now Scentsy will do all the work to get it here. I'll check my "workstation" in a couple of days to get the UPS tracking # and pass that on to my friend so she can see the progress. Then I'll get it in, devide the orders and wrap them in cute little bags, give them back to my friend and she'll get to be Santa to all her co-workers! Fun!

I have a goal to raise enough $$ to get a plane ticket out to Portland to see one of my best friends who had a baby this month. I haven't seen her since 2003, so we are over due for a visit! If I go before June, I can take my youngest along for free, too.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Party Order in . . .

Last night UPS delivered a box containing the orders from my first party. It took me about 25 minutes to get them all divided and ready to be delivered to my customers. I did it all while cooking supper and playing with the kids! Now I get the privilege of delivering all the orders (feeling a little like Santa!). I put our new plug in (that I got for free for hosting the party) in our bathroom and in a few minutes, I could smell the scents throughout the house! It doubles as a really cute nightlight too! Last night I realized that if you can shop online and chat with your friends, you can run a Scentsy business! It is that easy!

Friday, December 11, 2009

First order entry

Tonight I entered my first order into the computer on my own. This was for my "back before Christmas" order. I also got my STARTER KIT tonight!!! I've been having fun labeling catalogs and going through the 80 scents. I got a full size "Design It Yourself" warmer with my kit. I'm not sure if I'm going to design it or keep it plain white. It looks cute the way it is! I'm not really very craftsy either, which is one reason I like selling Scentsy! It's so easy and I don't have to worry about making anything. I also love that I don't have to keep track of inventory or hundreds of different items - just wax and warmers! Of course, we have our car candles and travel tins, but thats pretty darn basic! My mom was able to earn a free item for doing the basket party! I have another basket party out right now, too. I am just amazed at how easy this is.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Orders

Working on placing orders and figuring out the system. I think after I do it a few times, it'll be a peice of cake. I already have an order that needs to be shipped to NY! I'm so thankful that I get to help my family and friends find such a quality product!
**These are our newest items - midsized warmers. There are actually 6 total to chose from.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Team Call

Okay, so now I'm listening in to a recorded call from the "team leader". The first thing that struck me was that Scentsy did 31 MILLION in sales in the month of November! They did almost 3 Million on November 30 alone! I am very excited to hear these numbers!
There are so many success stories just in our group! Single moms, moms of many children: building homes, going on trips to Hawaii - inspiring!
This picture is of a Scentsy warmer that you can Design Yourself. It comes in a plain color and with pages of rub on designs. Very cute and very creative!

First Basket Party

Wow! I just dropped off my first "basket party" with my mom. This is a great alternative to having a "home party". She'll get all the same hostess rewards, but doesn't have to worry about cleaning her house or serving snacks! The only issue I had today was not having many catalogs, but I have more on the way in my Starter Kit! It was a lot of fun talking with the ladies in her office about the fun of Scentsy. I'm looking forward to hearing their reactions as they see the product. It is so unique and relevant! One of the ladies has daughters in college; I think they would LOVE to have Scentsy in their dormrooms! They are completely safe since there is no flame! I would have LOVED to have Scentsy in college!

Monday, December 7, 2009

This week I'll be doing an open party for anyone interested in making an order through me. As long as we have an overall total of $150.00, we'll get free shipping. This order will be back in time for Christmas! You can order from me by calling (217) 381-9118 or by making an order in my "open party" on

First Week

HooRAY! I am officially official today! Now I am looking forward to getting my starter kit in the mail this week. My children are already enjoying the few scents we have, so they are gonna love smelling all 80! It was so easy to get signed up with my consultant and it only cost me a little over $100.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Beginnings!

I am so excited to begin my adventure with Scentsy. Tomorrow I will officially be an official essential consultant with Scentsy. I can't wait to tell you all about this product - I am so impressed with it. Style and Practicality rolled into one!
Here we go!
This picture is the December Warmer of the Month. This is a "full-size" sentsy warmer (approx. 4.5" wide and 6"tall; uses a 25-watt bulb). You can see the melted wax in the top and the light from a low watt bulb shining through the pretty windows on the sides. These plug into an electrical outlet, similar to the way a lamp would. There are also mid-size warmers and plug-in warmers available. Not to mention 80 different frangrances to choose from! You can see all the excitement on their website at